Our centre is a safe and secure environment which allows children to explore the inside and outside space throughout the day, with staff guiding and encouraging them to make choices and decisions on the activities they wish to explore and engage in.
Children will be encouraged to learn for themselves using touch, sight, sound, taste and smell. The activities will be varied and designed to spark their interest, with learning areas corresponding to a child’s development levels. Our learning centres are set up so that the children decide what to make or do. In our program there is no ‘right way’ for a child to produce a piece of work, and they will be encouraged to decide for themselves what the finished piece will look like. We promote independence and self confidence, encouraging the children to help set up our learning centres and completing tasks independently. Drama activities will be included within inside and outside areas with role play a major focus as this is where language, social and creative learning through play is best developed. The outside play area is a large learning space where all their developmental skills are planned for. Each area has a different level of activity where children can choose to engage in quiet play or more active activities.